Friday, May 3, 2013

Eliminating Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Copy from: Eliminating Wrinkles and Fine Lines - Great Skin Basics

It’s a fact of life that most wrinkles suck and nobody wants them. Wrinklesare creases, folds, or ridges of the skin. Like everyone knows, they are usually a result of getting older but there are many things we do that cause them to develop a lot sooner. Damage from the sun’s harmful rays or tanning beds, smoking, dehydration, some medications all play a part in reducing the elasticity and suppleness of our skin. It’s nearly impossible to avoid wrinkles entirely; as we become older our skin gets thinner and less elastic. Our skin loses its ability to resist damage and eventually wrinkles and shrivels. There are actually two main types of wrinkles: surface lines and deep furrows.Obviously we can’t fight our genetics, but there are ways we can prolong the process and avoid irritating lines and creases on our faces, hands, and necks.

Moisturizing: your skin is one of the ultimate ways to combat aging, wrinkles, and nearly any other skin disease or malady you can imagine. This will keep your skin hydrated which will allow your skin to heal itself and absorb more nutrients, thus slowing down the aging process. By maintaining a healthy regiment every day, you can rest assured knowing your skin will fight off those wrinkles longer.
good skin care habits

Retinoids: work by increasing cell regeneration deep within the dermis (lower level of your skin). There has been tons of research done that provesretinoids are among the only successful anti-aging products on the market. Used regularly, retinoids stimulate collagen renewal and resist skin cellbreak down. Available in a broad range of strengths, you can find some powerful options through prescriptions and some are available over-the-counter outside of the U.S. There are lower strength retinoids available for purchase pretty much anywhere, though. Be wary of irritation and err on the side of caution when using them.
retinoids for wrinkles

You’ve heard it before; antioxidants: are truly great for your skin. There’s a lot of science jargon behind them that back up the claims. Free radicals, unstable oxygen molecules, are extremely harmful to your skin. They “attack” healthy skin cells and cause cellular breakdown, which in turn will lead to wrinkles and other defects. It’s possible to fend off these little baddies with antioxidant crèmes or antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and drinks; teas and raspberries are great sources of antioxidants. Honestly, you should probably focus on relying on ingesting antioxidant-rich foods and drinks, rather than pills or topical applications. Not only does it encourage a healthy diet, but it has the added bonus of giving you something to eat… And who doesn’t love eating?

The sun is your enemy: Yes, the sun is the reason for all life on Earth, but its harmful rays can severely damage your skin. Avoiding direct sunlight or minimizing your exposure to the sun’s rays can really save your skin. Our skin is designed to protect us from things like this, but it needs a little help – particularly if you’re of fairer skin. Always make sure you’re using the appropriate SPF sunscreen when you intend to be outside for more than 30 minutes and seek shade periodically to cool yourself down. If at all possible, cover up your skin with an umbrella, wide-brimmed hat, or even long-sleeves shirts and pants. Children, especially, should take extra care in warmer weather. That being said, no one should ever use a tanning bed. Tanning beds subject your skin to direct UVA rays, a major cause of skin cancer and damage. Those things are little skin-hating machines.

Sleep well: Most people severely underestimate the benefits of a good night’s rest. It may not seem like much, but getting 6-9 hours of sleep every night greatly reduces the effects of all stresses on your body and mind. Sleep is the body’s way of repairing itself after a day’s events and it’s a necessary step in preparing ourselves for day-to-day life. There’s no reason good enough to sacrifice on one of the most valuable (and admittedly pleasurable – sleep is awesome) things you can do for yourself.
sleeping for eliminate wrinkles

Hopefully with some insight and a little preparation, you can steal yourself some added years with your skin. Your skin is your number one shield against the elements and all the awful things around us, but it does require some time to help it out too. Being mindful of your time and planning accordingly will spare you some major headaches later on down the line.

Realated Post:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

oDesk Microsoft Word 2007 skill test / Elance Skill Test MS Word 2007

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Edit tracking changes are typically formatted in the following manner: (1) deletions—red strikethroughs, (2) additions—green and underlined, and (3) formatting changes are made bold in almost any other desired color. Where in Word 2007 could you set your own custom formatting options for tracking changes?

Select the Office button and then select Word Options. In the Word Options dialog box, select Proofing and then set your formatting options.
Select the Review ribbon and then select the triangle by Track Changes. In the drop-down menu, select “Change Tracking Options” and then set your formatting options in the Track Changes Options dialog box.
Select the Office button and then select Track Changes. Set your formatting options in the Track Changes Options dialog box.
Select the Office button and then select Word Options. In the Word Options dialog box, select Customize and then set your own customized formatting options.
Which among the following options should be used to start a bulleted list automatically?

Type * (asterisk) and then press spacebar or the Tab key.
Type # and then press the spacebar key.
Type # and then press Enter.
None of the above
Which among the following is NOT true about content controls?
They are individual controls that can be used in templates, forms, and documents.
They can be reused.
Customized content controls cannot be distributed.

Which keyboard shortcut inserts a hyperlink?


Which among the following options is not true regarding a macro?

A macro is used to automate a complex series of tasks.
The macro recorder is used to record a sequence of actions, or to create a macro from scratch by entering a code in the Visual Basic Editor.
To work with macros in Word 2007, the Review tab needs to be opened.

The Ribbon is a new feature for Microsoft Office 2007. There are several ways to turn off the Ribbon in order to save space on your computer. Which of the following can optionally turn off the Ribbon in Word 2007?

Click the Down arrow to the right of the Quick Access toolbar button and select “Minimize the Ribbon.”
Select the View tab and select the “Document Map” check box option in the Show/Hide group.
Press Ctrl+F1. (Press Ctrl+F1 a second time to make it reappear again.)
Double-click the currently active tab (the tab that is in focus) above the Ribbon.
All of the above

How will you set the default font so that every time you open Microsoft Word it will use the settings that you had selected?

Click on the Microsoft Button and select Word options. Click on Display and then select “Default font settings.”
Select the Home tab, and then click the Font Dialog Box Launcher. Select the font style and size. Click on Default… and then click Yes.
Both a and b
None of the above

How will you change the author name in an existing document?

Click on the Microsoft Office Button, select Prepare, and then click Properties. Type the author name in the Author box.
Click on the Microsoft Office Button, click on Word Options, and click Popular. Under “Personalize your copy of Office,” type the author name in the “User name box.”
Right click on the customize status bar and select Author Name from the list and then type a new one.
All of the above

Which among the following wildcards should be used to select any single character?

*(its for group of character)

State whether true or false:A building block can be added to as many galleries as you want.

This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the given picture. Which of the following buttons is used to show paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols?


State whether true or false:New text animation effects can be applied in Microsoft Word 2007.


Which among the following is a correct way to make your file “Read-only?”

Click on Open from the Microsoft Office Button. Click on Tools, select the Read-only recommended check box. Click OK.
Select the text you have typed, right click on the mouse and select the “As Recommended” option and save it.
Click “Save As” from the Microsoft Office Button. Click on Tools and then click General Options. Select the Read-only recommended check box. Click OK. Click on Save.
None of the above

State whether true or false:Changes that are made on the Worksheet are automatically updated in the chart.

This question is based upon the figure shown below

What does the icon marked with ‘A’ on the status bar on the bottom of the page indicate in the given picture?

It indicates that the document contains a virus.
It indicates a watermark.
It indicates that Mail Merge is over.
It indicates that the document contains a signature.

Which among the following is not true regarding the use of a pie chart?

A pie chart could be used when there is only one data series to be plotted.
A pie chart could be used when the data points in a pie chart are displayed as a percentage of the whole pie.
A pie chart could be used when none of the values that need to be plotted on the chart is negative.
A pie chart should be used when there are more than seven categories.
This question is based upon the figure shown below

Which feature has been used from the Picture Pane on Picture1 to achieve the same result as Picture2?

Compress Picture
Set contrast to −40%
Set brightness to +40%

Which among the following charts do not have axes?

Bar charts
XY (Scatter) charts
Doughnut charts
Area charts

Which of the following is not a type of “Section Breaks?”

First Page
Next Page
Continuous Page
Even Page(another type is odd page)

What is meant by Enhanced ScreenTips?

Enhanced ScreenTips are small windows that display descriptive text when the pointer is rested on a command or control.
Enhanced ScreenTips are larger windows that display more descriptive text than a ScreenTip and can have a link to a Help topic.
Enhanced ScreenTips are a type of Font Style that can be customized according to the requirements.
None of the above

State whether true or false: When you save a document as a Web page, the textures and gradients are saved as JPEG files and the patterns are saved as GIF files.


What does the command “Winword.exe /f MyDocument.docx” mean?

This command instructs Word to run a macro which is stored in a file named Mydocument.docx.
This command instructs Word to close a file named Mydocument.docx.
This command instructs Word to start and immediately open a file named MyDocument.docx.
This command instructs Word to start and shows the contents of a file named MyDocument.docx on the Web.

Which among the following options will you use to add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar?

Click on Customize Quick Access Toolbar and then click “More Commands” and choose the command from the list to be customized.
Click on the Microsoft Button and then select Word Options. Click on Customize.
On the Ribbon, click the appropriate tab or group to display the command that you want to add to the Quick Access Toolbar. Right-click on the command, and then click on “Add to Quick Access Toolbar” on the shortcut menu.
All of the above

Suppose you want to insert a cross reference at the current cursor position in the document to a heading (located elsewhere in the document). Which of the following methods would do this in Word 2007?

Select the Add-Ins tab. In the Hyperlinks section, click Cross-reference. Select the desired heading among all those displayed in the dialog box. After you have made your selection, click Insert. Close the dialog box.
Select the Insert tab. In the Links section, click Cross-reference. Select Headings under Reference type. Select the appropriate heading from those displayed in the bottom pane. After you have made your selection, click Insert. Close the dialog box.
Select the Add-Ins tab. In the Links section, click Hypertext. Select the desired heading among all those displayed in the dialog box. After you have made your selection, click Insert. Close the dialog box.
None of the above. Word 2007 cannot do cross references.

Which method determines the position of the “Envelope” while printing, in the Envelope options dialog box?

Rotation method
Feed method
Position method
None of the above

Which keyboard shortcut is used to make the text size smaller?

This question is based upon the figure shown below

For what purpose is the SmartArt graphic control used, as shown in the picture?

It is used to rotate the SmartArt graphic.
It is used to add a watermark on shapes.
It shows the Text Pane on clicking the control.
None of the above

Which of the following charts display “Error bars” for x values, y values, or both?

XY (Scatter) charts
Bubble charts
Both a and b
None of the above

Which of the following line-spacing options sets fixed line spacing that Word does not adjust?

At least                   
This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the picture given above. Which of the following options should be selected to scroll both documents together?

None of the above

Which keyboard shortcut could be used to switch to Draft View?

None of the above

Which among the following is a keyboard shortcut to underline blank spaces for a form?

Ctrl + Hyphen(-)
Shift + Hyphen(-)
Alt + Hyphen(-)
All of the above­

Which view(s) could be used to view the Equation placeholders in the Document Views group?

Print Layout view
Web Layout view
Draft view
All of the above

State whether true or false:Placeholder citations appear in the bibliography.


Which option(s) should you select to remove a chart or axis title from a chart?

To remove a chart title, select the Layout tab. In the Labels group, click on Chart Title and then click None.
To remove a chart or axis title, click on the title and press Delete.
To remove an axis title, select the Layout tab. In the Labels group, click on Axis Titles, click the type of axis title, and then click None.
All of the above

State whether true or false:Cover pages are always inserted at the beginning of a document, no matter where the cursor appears in the document.


State whether true or false:Gridlines do not print when a document is printed.

This question is based upon the figure shown below

Which among the following settings should be applied in the “Format Drawing Canvas” dialog box, as shown in the picture, to remove a border from a drawing object?

Change Dashed to none
Change Weight to 0 pt
Change Line — Color to No Color
Change Style to none
This question is based upon the figure shown below

How does the “Gutter margin” help while using Page Setup, as shown in the picture?

It ensures that the text is not obscured by binding.
It prevents the “Full Screen Reading” view from opening automatically.
It displays the field results instead of field codes.
All of the above

State whether true or false:Switches and parameters are not case-sensitive.


Which of the following options is the reason of text deletion at the insertion point when you type a document?
a.       The”Mark formatting inconsistencies” is unchecked in word options.
b.      The “Use the insert key for paste” is turned off in word options.
c.       The “Show add-in interface errors”  is turned on in word options
d.      The “Over type” mode is turned on in word options.

The question is based upon the figure shown below:
Refer to the given image which options should be selected to
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      D

The draft view was called the normal view in versions of word prior to word 2007. The draft view can help with setting the page and section breaks for the document. Which of the following could be used to select the draft view for a document?
a.Open the view ribbon. Click draft in the document views group.
b.Select the office button and then select word options. In the word options dialogue box, select display and check draft check box under page display options.
c. Click draft icon on the status bar

Which among the following options would you choose to automatically enter the current date?
a.     Select the insert tab and then select date and time in the text group. Choose one of the available formats in the date and time dialog box.
b.    Type the first four characters of the current day of the week.
c.      Select the home tab and then select date in the text group. Choose one of the available formats in the date dialog box.
d.     None of the above.

The question is based upon the figure shown below:
Which chart type does the given picture represent?
a.       Surface charts
b.      Stock charts
c.       XY(scatter) charts
d.      Area charts

The question is based upon the figure shown below

In the given picture the “The keep text flat” option has been selected. What is the use of this feature?
a.       When this  option is selected , the text inside the shape follows the shape’s  front surface as it rotates
b.      It moves the shape backward or forward in 3-D space.
c.       It prevents text inside the shape from rotating when the shape is rotated.
d.      All of the above.

State whether true or false
Gridlines do not print when a document is printed
a.       True
b.      False

The question is based upon the figure shown below
The given picture shows the list items being at different level rather than at one level. What is this list known as?
a.       Bullets
b.      Numbering
c.       Line spacing
d.      Multilevel

 How will you insert text boxes for a printed form?
      a. Select the insert tab, in the header & footer group select the Text box
      b. Select the insert tab, In the text group, click on Text box and then select draw text box.
      c.  Select the page layout tab, in the page setup group, select the Text box.
      d. None of the above.

Which among the following options will you use to add a command to the quick access toolbar?
a. Click on customize quick access toolbar and then click “more command” and choose the command from the list to be customized.
b. Click on the Microsoft button and then select word options. Click on customized.
c. on the ribbon, click the appropriate tab or group to display the command that you want to add to the Quick access toolbar. Right click on the command and then click on “Add to quick access toolbar” on the shortcut menu.
d. All of the above.

Which of the following is not true about “format painter”?
a.       Format painter is used to apply text formatting and some basic graphics formatting, such as border and fills.
b.      Format painter works best with drawing objects, such as autoshapes.
c.       Format painter can copy the font and font size on WordArt text.

Which among the following options will be select a paragraph at once with the help of a mouse?
a.       Double-click anywhere on the word.
b.      Triple-click anywhere in the paragraph  
c.       Click at the start of the selection
d.      None of the above.

 Just as in Word 2003 or prior word versions, the default standard view for word 2007 is the draft view ( and is still also called the normal view in Word 2007)
a.       True
b.      False

To enter a symbol or special character into your document (to where the cursor is located), which of the following method could you employ in word 2007?
a.       Open the home ribbon, click special characters in the symbol group ( open e menu displaying special characters). Choose the special character (or symbol) that you want and then click insert and click close.
b.      Open the insert ribbon. Click special character in the text group (opens a menu displaying special characters) Choose the special character (or symbol) that you want and then click ok.
c.       Open the insert ribbon, click symbol in the symbols group. A menu will appear with a small selection of symbols. If you don’t see the symbol or character you’d like to insert, click more symbols.  Choose the special character (or symbol) that you want then click insert and click close.
d.      Open the home ribbon, click symbol in the text group. A menu will appear with a small selection of symbol.  If you don’t see the symbol or character you’d like to insert, click more symbols. Choose the special character (or symbol) that you want and then click ok.

The question is based upon the figure shown below
Refer to the given image, which option should be chosen to select the styles that appear by default in the recommended list while formatting?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      None of above

 Refer to the given image in picture 1, axes appear on the left side, which setting should you use to make them appear on the right side, as shown in picture 2?

a.       Change the axes value in the format tab
b.      Select the axis options tab in the format axis dialogue box. Set the axis levels: field to high
c.       Right click the mouse and select format chart area and change the axis value.
d.      None of the above.

Correct method → right click on the chart→ format axes→ axes option→tik mark on “CATEGORIES IN REVERSE ORDER”

 What is the maximum number of columns that can be created in the columns dialog box as shown in the picture?
a.       3
b.      9
c.       13
d.      19

Which among the following is a keyboard shortcut to cut a table?
a.       CTRL+A
b.      CTRL+V
c.       CTRL+C
d.      CTRL+X

 Which of the given options shows the “command button” (active X control) in the given picture?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      D

State whether true or false
Once a bullet is removed from the “Bullet Library” and it is no longer available in the “Documents bullets” area, the bullet cannot be added back to the bullet library.
a.       True
b.      False


Q.Which among the following macro settings is meant for developers only?
d. Trust access to the VBA project object model

Q.Which of the following can be reason for the appearance of the red X, as shown in picture?
Q.  Which among the following is a keyboard shortcut to underline blank spaces for a form?
b. Shift+Hyphen(-)

Q. Why is the “Different First Page” option used in the Page Setup dialog box as shown in the given picture?
d. All of the above.

Q. Which among the following options should be used to number the cells in a table?
c. Select the table cells that need to be numbered.  On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on Numbering.

Q. In the given picture, The “Washout” option has been selected. What purpose does it serve?

Q. How will the Message Bar alert be enabled as shown in the given picture?
b. Select Word Options from the Microsoft Office Button. Click on the Trust Center, then click Trust Center Settings and then click Message Bar.

Q. What steps should be followed to replace a shape with other shape?
a. Select the shape to be changed. Select the Format tab; use the “Change Shape” button  in the Shape Style group.

Q. Which among the following options could be used to turn off the Office Clip Board?
d. All of the above

Q. Which among the following methods would you select when you want to add protection to parts of a template?
d. All of the above

Q. An existing table cannot be copied and pasted into another table.
a. True (not sure)

Q. With the help of which view will the watermark not be seen?
b. Full screen reading view???????????
c. Web layout view??????????????

Q. What is the purpose of the “Demote” button as shown in the diagram?

d. All of the above.

 Q. Which of the following is not a Content Control?
d. Chart

Q. Refer to the given image, How could the Quick Access Toolbar be moved?
c. Click on “Customized Quick Access Toolbar”, in the list, click on “Show Below the Ribbon”.

Q.Which of the following types of charts are not supported by either Lines or Bars, as shown in the picture?
b. Stacked Bar in 3d